How do I clean an oily exhaust fan?

How to Clean an Oily Exhaust Fan

Exhaust fans are important in any restaurant kitchen because they help to keep the air clean and free of grease and oil. But if your exhaust fan gets too greasy, it can start to impact its performance. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to clean an oily exhaust fan so that it can continue to do its job effectively.

If the oil isn’t too bad, you may clean your exhaust fan with soapy water. All you need to do is make a solution of warm water and soap and clean your fan with it. Finally, wash it with regular water and you’ll have a clean exhaust fan at your disposal.


If the oil is caked on, or if you haven’t cleaned your exhaust fan in a while, you may need to use a harsher solution. In this scenario, you can make a cleaning solution by combining equal parts vinegar and water. Using a cloth or brush, apply this solution to your exhaust fan and clean away the oil. When completed, rinse with water and enjoy your clean exhaust fan!

Cleaning your exhaust fan on a regular basis will help to prolong its life and keep it operating at peak efficiency. We hope that this blog post has given you the information you need to clean an oily exhaust fan so that it can continue to do its job effectively. Thanks for reading!

How do you clean kitchen exhaust fans (1)

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